We understand. 

You are a talented C-Suite executive, or perhaps a business owner or other professional.  You’ve worked hard to develop your skills and abilities, and there is no longer any doubt about your ability to deliver.  You are a proven leader in your field, and it’s time to consider how you can maximise the best years of your career.

We understand that it can be frustrating to work in an environment where simply playing the game is enough. 

Experiential Learning has been coaching people like you for over a decade.  It’s been our experience that for people like you, it’s not just about demonstrating (again) your talent or being competent: it is winning that really counts.


Development for talented leaders

Many believe that talent leadership development means the development of skills and competencies. And, it is true that before any leadership can really shine there needs to have been basic competence and skill development. 

At Experiential Learning we believe that skill and competence building should be “regular” development work. Part of the normal investment a company makes in it’s people, an important and integral part of running a successful enterprise.

But – when we talk about developing talented leaders, we mean something quite different. 

Talent leaders have already shown great skill and competencies and are now a beacon of excellence, a proven success. Sure they make mistakes but they have something extra, something that puts them above the rest.

Talented leaders tend to push the boundaries of what the organization may be able to “tolerate”. In the talented leader’s world they normally seek out growth and development in areas where there may be no internal competence available, or where these talented leaders has already grown beyond what the organization can offer in development opportunities. 

The Challenges of Talent

This presents a couple of potential challenges.

  • How can the organization harness talent like yours to be able to drive growth and development across the rest of the organization?
  • How can the organization maintain engagement and constructive input to retain talented people without them getting bored or disintersted?

As is often the case, elite sports-persons provide the best examples.  Talk to any top ranked tennis player or golfer, for example, and they won’t be starting a game with the goal of performing as best they can.  No, they are going out there to win.  No ifs, buts, or maybes. They understand that a singular focus on victory can make the difference between achieving what they are truly capable of – and second place.  

So what development opportunities are available for Leaders like you who are probably already amongst the best in your field? Playing to win requires a different degree of awareness than simply playing to play.  An awareness in the moment that allows experience to be translated into wisdom – without allowing any distractions to get in the way.

Our Unlimited C-Suite Coaching service is designed exactly to provide the coaching relationship for you to develop and apply this awareness.   

By having a coach who is available to you, the talented leader, you actually create development opportunities that happen in the moment. This is just-in-time talent development, creating the space for experience to be translated into wisdom.

Tired of just playing to play? To see how we can get you to Play to Win, contact us today.